You will learn how to hold a network card, remove the cover on the tower, how to remove a network card, how to install a network card, how to replace the cover to the tower, and how to install the drivers for the network card onto the computer.
Step 1
Start by disconnecting any cables that are connected to the tower.
Step 2
Remove the cover to the tower by taking out the screws holding it in place.
Step 3
Remove the screw that's holding the card in place if there's already one in the slot.
Step 4
Carefully pull out the card without touching the top or bottom of the card.
Step 5
open the box to the new card and carefully insert it into the slot and place the screws back in to hold it into place.
Step 6
Replace the cover and connect all the cords to the tower, then start the computer.
Step 7
Insert the drivers disk into your tower and follow the step by step directions to install the drivers.
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